NASCEND is an organization based in Louisville, KY dedicated to improving the treatment and management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Their mission is to not only save the lives of the babies affected by substance dependency, but to improve the outcomes of the families overall.
Louisville, KY
The problem.
NASCEND was ready for a fresh, high quality design. The company wanted the website to serve as a resource for NAS as well as their own system, including displaying a boat load of information effectively and in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Technologies Used
- CSS3 Animations
- Mobile Responsive
- SVG Illustrations
- WordPress CMS
Services Provided
- Graphic Design
- Managed Hosting
- Website Design
- Website Development
- WordPress Integration

Our solution.
We worked closely with NASCEND to learn about NAS and the team’s treatment system. The educational pages were given an infographic feel to effectively teach readers, and on-page animations help guide the reader to improve information retention.
Learn more about our process